
Welcome to BioMedical Transporters 2019

BioMedical Transporters 2019
Co-organized by NCCR TransCure
Membrane transporters and channels: From basic research to drug development and clinical application
Swiss Museum of Transport, Lucerne, Switzerland, August 4–8, 2019.

Poster Abstract Guidelines

All participants are encouraged to submit abstracts.

Please note that only posters directly related to the conference topic will be considered.

Posters will be displayed and discussed during two poster sessions on Monday and Wednesday (first and second half of all posters, respectively). Poster awards will be announced on Thursday, August 8, at noon. First prize is CHF 500, second prize CHF 200 and third prize CHF 100.

Please note that the poster abstract submission deadline has passed (July 1, 2019). However, we still accept new registrations for conference attendance! To register, use our online registration tool.

PLEASE NOTE: Poster abstracts have to be submitted through the online conference registration system. See the Registration page.

The physical format of the posters should be DIN A0 (= 0.841m × 1.189m), either in “portrait” or “landscape” orientation.

Please specify the orientation of your poster in the poster abstract (landscape or portrait).


Matthias A. Hediger
University of Bern, Switzerland


Anne Nies
Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie (IKP), Stuttgart, Germany

David Hepworth
Department of Worldwide Medicinal Chemistry, Pfizer, Cambridge, USA

Ken-Ichi Inui
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Japan

Bruno Stieger
University of Zürich, Switzerland


BMT2019 Admin Team