(Schedule) | Ascona Info. | Registration | Travel Info. | Lodging | Goals & Objectives | Poster Sessions | Contact | Photos |
Schedule |
Arrival: Sunday August 8 Registration |
Evening | 6:00 to 9:00 - Informal get together - Includes buffet |
Monday, August 9 Registration Cont' |
Morning |
8:30 | Matthias A. Hediger - Introduction |
Session I | Principles of transmembrane and transcellular drug movement. - Chair, Ernest Wright |
8:40 | Anna Seelig - (Biozentrum Basel) "Molecular parameters governing passive diffusion through membranes" |
9:20 | Barry Hirst - (University of Newcastle, UK) "Paracellular Pathway" |
BREAK - 10:00 - 10:20 (Coffee) | |
10:20 | Ernest Wright - (UCLA) "Carriers" |
11:00 | David Clarke - (University of Alberta) "Drug Transport by the Human Multidrug Resistance P-glycoprotein" |
11:40 | Chris Cheeseman - (University of Toronto) "The use of vascular perfusion of the small intestine for assessing absorption pathways" |
Afternoon LUNCH - 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. | |
Session II | Intestinal transporters - Chair, Frederick Leibach |
1:30 | J.D. Young - (University of Alberta) "Molecular mechanisms of nucleoside and nucleoside drug transport" |
2:10 | Frederick Leibach - (Medical College of Georgia) "Peptide transport" |
2:50 | Hannelore Daniel - (University of Giessen) "PEPT1 and PEPT2 transport functions when expressed in yeast, insect and mammalian cells." |
BREAK - 3:30 - 3:50 (Coffee) | |
3:50 | Gordon Amidon - (University of Michigan) "Designing drugs for hPepT1 transport" |
4:30 | P.A. Dawson - (Wake Forest University) "Intestinal Bile Acid Transport: New Molecules and Mechanisms" |
5:10 | Akira Tsuji - (Kanazawa University) "Transporter-mediated absorption and secretion of drugs" |
BREAK - 5:50 - 6:10 (refreshments) | |
Session III | DISCUSSION - 6:10 - 7:10 |
"Intestinal transporters and drug thrapy: What are the opportunities?" Chair - Gordon Amidon (University of Michigan) | |
Discussants: David Clarke, Hannelore Daniel , P.A. Dawson, Barry Hirst, Frederick Leibach ,Anna Seelig, Akira Tsuji ,Ernest Wright, J.D. Young , Chris Cheeseman |
Evening - DINNER 7:15 - 8:30 p.m. | |
Poster Session 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. (posters to be displayed during the entire meeting) |
Tuesday, August 10 |
Morning |
Session IV | Kidney drug transport and targeting - Chair, Heini Murer |
8:15 am | K.J. Ullrich - (Max Planck Institute for Biophysiks) "Drug transport by the kidney" |
8:40 am | Hitoshi Endou - (Kyorin University, Tokyo) "Role of the organic anion transporter superfamily in renal drug transport" |
9:20 am | Gerhard Burckhardt - (University of Gottingen) "Renal organic anion transporters" |
BREAK - 10:00 - 10:20 (Coffee) | |
10:20 am | Herman Koepsell - (University of Wurzburg) "Organic cation transporters" |
11:00 am | Chairat Shayakul - (Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok) "Renal dicarboxylate transport potential role in renal metabolism and pathogenesis of idiopathic hypocitraturia" |
11:40 am | David Smith - (University of Michigan) "Transport of ACE Inhibitors in kidney and intestine" |
Session IV A | Discussion: "Renal handling of drugs and targeting specific renal transporters", Chair - Heini Murer (University of Zurich) |
12:20 pm | Discussants: Karl Ullrich, Hitoshi Endou, Gerhard Burkhardt, Herman Koepsell, Chairat Shayakul and David Smith. |
Afternoon |
12:50 pm | Afternoon Tour: Brissago Inseln / Villa Taranto |
Pick up bag lunch and walk down to the Ascona Harbor. Departure of cruise boat at 1:55 pm. Enjoy the horticultural garden on the beautiful Brissago Island. Return by Cruise boat at 4:35pm. Bus from Ascona Harbor to Monte Verita. | |
Evening - DINNER 6:00 |
Session V | Kidney drug transport and targeting - Chair, Hitochi Endou |
7:30 pm | Jurg Biber - (University of Zurich) "Phosphate transport and regulation" |
8:10 pm | Yoshikatsu Kanai - (Kyorin University) "Amino acid transporters in kidney, liver and blood brain barrier" |
8:50 pm | Francois Verrey - (University of Zurich) "Amino acid transport by heterodimers of 4F2 permease family" |
BREAK - 9:30 (Refreshments) | |
Session V A | DISCUSSION |
"Renal handling of drugs and targeting specific renal transporters" - Chair, Francois Verrey | |
9:50 pm | Discussants: Jurg Biber and Yoshikatsu Kanai (30 minutes) |
Wednesday, August 11 |
Morning |
Session VII | Transport in Liver - Chair, Peter Meier |
8:15 am | Peter Meier - (University of Zurich) "Overview" |
8:55 am | Bruno Hagenbuch - (University of Zurich) "Bile acid transport and organic anions" |
9:35 am | Dietrich Keppler - (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum) "The apical conjugate export pump MRP2" |
BREAK - 10:15 (Coffee) | |
10:30 | Sander Smith - (Academic Medical Center, Dept. of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases) "The human MDR3 P-glycoprotein is involved in the transport of cytotoxic drugs in vitro" |
11:10 am | Ned Ballatori - (University of Rochester) "Transport of metal ions and glutathione-mercaptides" |
Session VIII | DISCUSSION: "Drug transport and metabolism in the liver: What are the opportunities?" Chair - Peter Meier |
11:50 am | Discussants: Bruno Hagenbuch, Dietrich Keppler, Sanders Smith and Ned Ballatori. |
12:30 pm | Solar Eclipse Viewing |
Afternoon - LUNCH - 12:40 | |
Session IX | Blood-Brain Barrier - Chair, Keith Horspool (AstraZeneca) |
2:00 pm | Jorg Huwyler - (Hoffmann-LaRoche) "The blood brain barrier: anatomy and brain drug delivery." |
2:40 pm | Yuchi Sugiyama - (University of Tokyo) "Characterization of tramsporters involved in efflux of compounds across the blood-brain barrier and blood-CSF barrier" |
BREAK - 3:20 | |
3:35 pm | Jiunn Lin - (Merck Research Laboratory) "Role of P-glycoprotein in brain uptake drugs" |
4:15 pm | Olaf van Tellingen - (Netherlands Cancer Institute) "Use of knock-out mice to define the role of transporters in blood brain barrier transport" |
Session X | DISCUSSION: "Transport of drugs across the Blood-Brain Barrier: Opportunities and limitations" Chair - Keith Horspool |
5:00 pm | Discussants: Jorg Huwyler, Jiunn Lin, Yuchi Sugiyama , Olaf van Tellingen (40 minutes) |
Special DINNER - Hotel Ascona 6:30 - 9:00 | |
6:30 pm | The Hotel can be reached through a short walk from the Monte Verita Center. There will be a special music program (Canzoni Ticinesi). |
Thursday, August 12 |
Morning |
Session XI | New developments in drug delivery and targeting - Chair, Soren-Peter Olesen |
8:15 am | Balazs Sarkadi - "Fluorescence detection to monitor transporter activity during high throughput screens" |
8:55 am | Soren-Peter Olesen - (NeuroSearch, Copenhagen) - "NeuroPatch - A fully automated patch-clamp technique used for drug screening" |
Session XII | Novel opportunities in transporter research - Chair, Seth Alper |
9:35 am | Seth Alper - (Harvard Medical School) - "Gene therapy in membrane transport disease" |
BREAK - 10:15 (Coffee) | |
10:30 am | Imelda Lambkin - (Elan Corporation) - "A Systemic Approach to Oral Protein & Peptide Delivery" |
11:10 am | Davide Trotti - (Harvard Medical School) - "Glutamate transporters and motor neuron disease" |
12:10 pm | Vadivel Ganapathy - (Medical College of Gerogia) - "The organic cation/carnitine transporter OCTN2: a potential candidate for drug delivery" |
12:40 pm | Xing-Zhen Chen - (Harvard Medical School) - "New insights into the function of Polycystic Kidney Disease proteins" |
Afternoon - LUNCH - 1:10 p.m. |
Session XIII | Pharmacogenomics - Chair, Wolfgang Sadee |
2:10 pm | Wolfgang Sadee - (Univ. of Cal., San Francisco) - "Pharmacogenetics/genomics relevant to drug transporters" |
2:50 pm | Kenneth S. Lown - (University of Michigan Medical Center) - "The basis and consequences of variable MDR1" |
3:30 pm | Cheni Kwok - (Smith Kline Beecham) "Genetic Approaches to the understanding of variability in Drug Transporters" |
4:10 pm | Closing Remarks - Matthias Hediger |
Departure: ~ 4:20 PM |
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